Priming the face before adding foundation is necessary. And if you think paint primer is otherwise, you are mistaken, my friend. Just like the face primer, paint primer helps in adhesion, durability, and visible color difference!
What is paint primer and what it does do to the surface? Is it necessary or we can skip using it? How does paint primer work? We know there are a lot of questions and for the answers, check out the info mentioned below!

What is Primer or Paint Primer?

Before you learn how paint primer works or what the different types of paint primer are, you have to know what it is. So, what is a paint primer?
Paint primer is used in the interior part of a house or building. These are not for the outer walls but for the interior walls like the kitchen cabinet primer or the room primer. When you hear the name of primer, what thing pops up in your mind? Yes, preparation and sealing. Just like face primer is used before foundation to prepare your skin and seal it, the work of paint primer is the same!
The primer will prepare your walls and seal them. In this way, it will protect the surface or the wall where you will put the paint afterward. Here, it doesn’t only do the work of sealing and preparing but it also helps in making the paint look better.
According to Dunn-Edwards product manager John Kim, the work of primer is to seal in stains and afford a smoother finish. He also says that it helps in providing an even surface for the paint.
Along with this, the pain primer works to create an incredible adhesion between the topcoat with the wall or surface where you are going to paint. And when you use primer, you can easily increase the durability of the paint and get a long-lasting interior space!
The necessity of Paint Primer

As you have already learned what a paint primer is, now, you have to know if it is necessary or not. Yes, in this case, we often think that primer is not necessary for painting. As we are going to paint the wall or the surface, the stains will easily be covered. So, people think that primer is an unnecessary step and it leads to double work.
Unfortunately, this is not the case! You might avoid primer but if you want a top-notch result, this can be a vital step. Especially, when you are painting a surface where there are a lot of bad stains, the primer is an unavoidable option for you. The requirement of the primer also depends on the paint you are going to use on the surface.
Primer or No-Primer
At times, you need primer no matter what. But there are also times when the primer is not necessary. Here, we will tell you when you have to use the primer and when you can avoid it. Check it out!
Dark Colors
At times, the previous color of the surface is dark. Imagine you have a black wall and you want to paint it bright yellow. If you think that it will be easy for you to pour the lighter color on your drywall, YOU SHOULD NOT TRY!
Yes, this is when the necessity of primer comes in! In making such a transition, primers can be beneficial. According to the Design Solutions KGP’s Karen Gray, while painting the on the dark coat, primer is necessary. The reason behind this is the primer can help the next color bloom in its true form or true shade.
New Wall or Surface
At times, you need to paint a new wall or a new surface. In cases of new drywall or bare wood, the primer can be highly responsive. If there is a newly skim-coated surface, it will require a primer to provide you with a better shade of the color. In most cases, the new surfaces are porous.
As a result, when you are going to use new paint on these walls, there is a chance that the wall or surface will soak the paint you are using. And if you do not use paint primer first, you can easily end up losing half of the paint soaked up by the surface.
Now, it is on you if you want to lose so much and waste your money or if you want to prime the wall first. With the help of the primer, you can easily fill the pores of the drywall. Also, it helps in the adhesion between the surface and the paint! When you go for a proper primer, you need fewer topcoats of paint. As a result, you can save your money too!
Gross Wall
Yes, you might not be concerned with it but in this case, priming can be very important. When you have an interior wall that has water damage or mildew stains, do not forget to paint primer! In some cases, there are also greasy patches already present on the wall.
And if you skip priming this wall, the paint will not stick properly! When you paint such walls without any primer, the blemishes will end up being visible from the outside even after you use the increased amount of paint on the wall. To cover this up, you need a paint primer that has better coverage than the others. After you add these primers and paint the surface, the marks won’t be visible at all!
At times, we use wallpaper to provide a better look to the wall. Sometimes, if the paint comes off, we cover it with wallpaper. But after you remove the wallpaper, you have to cover the wall with something better.
This is where the name of the paint primer comes in! In some situations, you might want to add paint on top of the wallpaper. Even then, priming is the first step you should take. As the surface will be rough, the primer will help you get the perfect adhesion.
Latex on Oil Paint
If you have used oil paint on the interior wall of your house before, using latex on the wall might be difficult for you. So, priming is a must, in this case, to help the paint stick to the wall without coming off within a year!
Plastic or Metal
We do not only use paint on the wall but we paint plastic or metal objects. And if you plan to paint metal, metal primer can be your savior. There will be no rust and it will also afford a perfect foundation for the paint you are going to use next!
Wrap Up
So, you have already learned what is paint primer and how does paint primer work. We have also told you when you need it so that you can plan to skip it if necessary! All you have to do is use it before you paint if you want to make it better!
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