How to Paint a Bedroom Wall | 6 Easy Steps for Bedroom Painting

If changing the light fixtures in your bedroom is not making you feel good anymore, you need a bigger change! The best idea is to get your bedroom wall painted! So, do you know how to paint a bedroom wall?

We know you find it difficult and so, we are here to help you out! Today, we will tell you how you can paint the wall of your bedroom without taking any help!

How to Paint a Bedroom Wall

Step by Step Process How to Paint a Bedroom Wall

Yes, you might be tired of the old paint and want to get the best bedroom paint finish this summer to make it look more vibrant. For this, first, you have to prepare the bedroom. When it comes to bedroom wall painting, there are facts that you need to take care of. Here are the steps!

Step 1: Prepare the Bedroom

Prepare the Bedroom for painting

Are you worried about how to paint a bedroom wall? We will tell you! First, get the furniture, upholstery, and any other movable objects away. Then you have to remove the outlet covers, switches, picture hangers, and other such objects. Don’t forget to carefully keep the screws safe.

In this situation, you will need painter’s tape to make the windows and the surrounding woodwork. Mask the door frames, baseboards, and ceiling moldings. Also, make sure that the wall is completely dry. In the damp weather, try to keep the windows and doors shut.

Step 2: Prepare the Accessories

Prepare the Accessories for painting

While painting, you will need several accessories to get the work done. In this case, get the right paintbrush for you. You will need a roller too. Different rollers will afford you different types of finishes. If you have a rough wall, the roller should be long enough to get the job done.

If you go for latex or water-based paints, have faith in synthetic rollers or paintbrushes. You can pick up both natural or synthetic roller and paintbrush if you go for the alkyd or oil-based paints. You should get the idea from the paint dealer or your home decor service.

Step 3: Use the Paintbrush

Paint brush for bedroom painting

Now that you have planned to paint your bedroom with a paintbrush, you must get the right paintbrush first. In most cases, the brushes for the walls are about 2-3 inches wide so that they can provide you with flat and large expanses.

When you settle for the trim brushes, keep in mind that those have a straight edge and can work better on the windows and doors. When you get the paints ready, you have to color the floor so that the paint doesn’t ruin the flooring.

Now, get the paintbrush and dip 1/3 of the bristles inside the liquid paint. Take it up and touch it to the inner edges of the paint bucket so the extra paint can be squeezed off from the brush. With the paintbrush, you must do long and light strokes. Also, make sure the strokes are smooth.

Step 4: Use the Paint Roller

Paint Roller

No matter which method you use, cover your skin along with your hair to avoid the paint touching the skin. Also, wear a mask and eyewear so that the smell of the paint does not disturb you. The areas that you cannot reach with the paintbrush are easy to reach with the extension pole of the paint roller.

We recommend you get the 12-inch roller for your bedroom wall painting. First, fill the well of the roller tray and then, you can easily dip the roller in halfway. Once you go halfway, you must roll back. In this way, your roller will be rolled back to the angled platform of the tray. Here, the excess paint will be removed.

When you start, start with an overlapping “W” pattern and then you have to re-roll the area horizontally. After you are done with the first filling, you can re-fill the roller and start painting. Do not miss any spot rather cover the areas carefully. The first coat will be thin but slowly, when you put the second coat, the things will be put together and afford you an even coating of paint.

Step 5: Paint the Trim

Paint the Trim

Once you are done with the walls, 80% of your work is done. Now, all that is left is painting the trim. Before you start this process, you have to make sure that the wall paint is completely dry. When it is dry, you have to carefully remove the painter’s tape that is added to the trim.

Peel it off but be slow because it can easily take off the paint if you are not careful. After removing the tape, you have to tape the trim again but this time, tape around the trim. Start painting the part of the trim that is closest to the ceiling and slowly go down. In this case, use a 2.5-inch brush for this purpose. Never overwork the paint and go for the first coat. When it is dry, go for the second coat.

Step 6: Let it settle

Now that painting the trim is done, you have to take off the tape. Make sure that the second coat is completely dry so that you can remove the tape. Take it off slowly and you are done! After this, you have to wait for the whole paint to settle and clean up the messes around you. Bring back the necessary stuff inside the bedroom and enjoy the new paint!

Wrap Up

You have already learned how to paint your bedroom wall alone! You do not need any painter in your house anymore! You can do it yourself with the easy steps we have mentioned!

Comment below about how you paint your walls without taking any help. Do you have any secret tips to share? Let us know!

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