How to Use a Spray Gun to Paint a Car

Do you want to repaint your car and give it a new look? Let’s get to know how to use a spray gun to paint a car. You can buy a spray gun and paint at a cheap rate to do that after knowing.

When you think of painting, the vision of painting a wall may come in front of you. However, painting a wall and painting a car are poles apart. Spraying a car with a gun is more comfortable and less time-consuming than painting a wall with rollers.

You need to follow some steps to paint your car, gather some necessary things, and you can make your car a brand new one.

The 12 Steps How to Use a Spray Gun to Paint a Car. You Need to Follow:

Let’s see the steps:

  1. First of all, clean the surface of your car, and before you start cleaning, clean the surroundings too. Do the whole task in a garage and try to avoid an open space. Because the car will come in contact with dust in an open space.How to Use aSpray Gun to Paint a Car
  2. Cover the parts of the car’s body, which you don’t want to paint. You can use masking tape in that case.How to Use a Spray Gun to Paint a Car
  3. Use a metal brush to remove the three pairs of coats from the car. Use it where you want to remove the paint and repaint it. You should use another power brush to remove the rust from the car’s body. Old cars have more rust in their bodies, and it’s hard to remove.
  4. Prepare your paint and coats by mixing the thinners in the required ratio. Read the instructions of the manufacturers first; then, you may mix the substances. If you don’t follow the instructions, the paint’s thickness won’t be perfect for the to spray clear coat like glass
  5. Connect the air hose, pressure regulator, and spray gun together. All of them have different functions, so each part is equally important. Be careful while connecting them because they are electric, and there’s a risk of electric shock while working with to spray clear coat like glass
  6. Start with the base coat first, then go for the clear coat and topcoat. If you’re an expert, you can spread the coats everywhere evenly. But if you’re an amateur, you will see variations in the coating. That’s why it would be better if you practiced before.
  7. Now it’s time to paint your car with the spray gun. How many spray guns you will use, will depend on the size of your car. Spray and paint your car carefully so that the thickness of the paint remains the same everywhere.spray gun setup for base coat
  8. Before applying the coats, use the sander to remove the remaining particles after power brushing. You can also use it after the paint dries because there will be particles after the paint has dried.
  9. Let each layer dry before you put the next lair. Some may take 10-20 minutes, and some may take an hour to dry. Check if the previous lairs have dried or not before spraying the paint.
  10. After you’ve painted all the desired parts of your car, check if there’s a problem or not. If there are some parts left, paint them too. Move the spray gun back and forth while painting to avoid this problem.
  11. When the paint is dry, and your car is ready, slowly remove the masking tape. Look after that; you are not ruining the color around while removing the masking tape.spray gun painting techniques
  12. Use a 1200- and 2000-grit dry and wet sandpaper for the final touch-up, and you’re done with the whole car painting process.

Follow these 12 steps and give your car a new look; you can use the same color as the previous one. You can also paint a completely different color or use multiple colors.

Why Painting with Spray Gun Is Better?

If you take enough protection, the spray gun is the better option to paint metal. It also made the body of a car of metal, so this method is more appropriate.

The finishing of the painting comes out better when you paint it with a spray gun. You will find many defects when you will paint anything with a roller or paintbrush.

The painting method of the spray gun consumes less energy than yours. You can spray three cars within the time you paint a big wall.

Why Do You Need to Put on Safety Kits?

The whole process of car painting with a spray gun is electric and chemical. That’s why wearing safety tools is necessary while doing it. If you’re not an expert and painting the car yourself, you need to be more careful because you’re less experienced.

Wear glasses that protect your eyes from dust and droplets because the eyes are among the most sensitive organs. Wear thick gloves to protect your hands from heat and chemicals.

Finally, wear a mask to protect your lungs and heart from chemical and metallic droplets. They can cause cancer if they somehow manage to get into your lungs.

What Things Do You Need?

You will need some definite things to paint your car. They are:

  • Grey or black paint
  • Paint thinner
  • A plus
  • A brush
  • A gun spray
  • An air hose
  • A pressure regulator
  • A masking tape
  • An electric sander
  • A 1200- and 2000-grit dry and wet sandpaper
  • 1-3 gallons of topcoat
  • A gallon of primer coat or base coat
  • 2-3 gallons of clear coat

What is the Function of the Air Hose and Pressure Regulator?

The primary purpose of the air hose and pressure regulator is to control the spray gun’s air. If it doesn’t function properly, the flow of air will be more or less than you require. As a result, the painting won’t show a good outcome.

It has two parts; one part reduces the pressure; and the second part is the back pressure regulator, which controls the pressure of air.

For your comfort, the pressure regulator is set on the spray gun now. You will find this feature in the latest spray guns but not in the old models.

Air hoses have a water trap in them; these are also essential parts of spray guns. They can control the velocity of oil, grease, water, and other liquids.

Why Black and Grey Are Suitable?

Black and grey are the most popular paints for spray painting cars. The grey paint is easily set and attached to the metal. So the paint seems to be smooth, and you won’t notice any scars or scratches.

The black paint is also famous because it attaches well to the car metal molecule. Moreover, it quickly absorbs the heat, which helps the paint to dry fast.


You had to know how to use a spray gun to paint a car if you’re a painter or want to paint your car. Knowing the steps in detail will help you to build your profession, to make you an expert. However, practice painting a lot before starting your job.

You can buy a spray gun of your choice, and browse through the Internet to find out the best manufacturers of this device. Buy the paint that is suitable for you, but read the instructions before applying.

Don’t waste time; collect all necessary elements, and get started with your car painting. If you keep the rules in your mind, your paint will have perfect finishing.

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