How To Clean a Shower Glass Without Shower Squeegee

As a homeowner, you are responsible for keeping the house clean at all times. This is where you should pay extra attention to cleaning your shower as well.

Many different methods are available for you on how to clean shower glass. Out of those methods, some people are using a shower squeegee to get the job done as well.

However, it is recommended that you not think about using the shower squeegee to clean your showers. It can lead to many negative consequences in the long run.

Step-by-Step Guide To Clean a Shower Glass?

Preparing to Clean The Walls of The Showers

How To Clean a Shower Glass

Now you have come to one of the most important stages of shower cleaning, where you get started with cleaning the walls of the shower. Most people prefer to use shower squeegees to get this job done.

However, you don’t need to use a shower squeegee. We will provide you with the steps that you should follow to get the job done without the usage of a shower squeegee.

To begin with, you should empty your shower. You will need to remove the loofahs, bottles, soap, razors, and other items that you have in the shower. Then you should go ahead with wiping down the plastic items.

This will help you to reduce excessive water and mildew. You must collect all the empty bottles and throw them away in the garbage. You are not using these empty bottles and you don’t need to think about using them.

When you have too many items in the shower, you will not be able to get the cleaning job done effectively. Therefore, you will need to get rid of items as much as possible to receive assistance with shower cleaning.

Rinsing The Showers Wall and Tub

Now you are ready to get started with cleaning your shower without the use of a shower squeegee. To begin with, you should rinse the shower walls and the tub.

You will be able to think about getting the assistance of a cup or a bucket in here. It will offer much-needed support to you with getting the cleaning job done.

You can use water taken from the cup or the bucket to splash into the walls of your shower. In case you have a handheld showerhead, you don’t need to go through this hassle. It can be used to wet the walls of the shower as well as the tub in an effective manner.

You don’t need to aim for perfection while you are getting this job done. All you have to do is remove dirt, hair, and other particles that can be found in the walls of the shower.

You should make sure that you are rinsing the tub and the wall of the showers every single week. Then you will be able to retain their cleanliness along with time.

If you want to get the best possible results, you need to make sure that you are using a cleaner that doesn’t result in the buildup of soap scum or mildew.

It is also better if you can deep clean your showers at least once a month.

Open Your make life easy for you

In case if you have a window, you should use it to provide extra ventilation. You will need to provide lots of ventilation while you are cleaning the shower walls. If you don’t have a window, you need to keep the door of the bathroom open.

You might be using a large number of cleaning products to get the job done as well. These cleaning products can lead you to a large number of health issues when you inhale them. Hence, you need to make sure that it doesn’t take place as well.

In case if your bathroom has got a fan, you can simply turn it on. This will also be able to assist you by increasing the overall ventilation in your bathroom.

Divide The Bathroom Wall

To get an effective bathroom wall cleaning experience, you need to go ahead and divide the bathroom wall. You should think about dividing the bathroom wall into either three sections or four sections. This doesn’t mean that you have to take a marker pen and indicate boundaries on the shower wall.

You will be able to divide with the help of your brain. In other words, you should visualize the boundaries in your mind.

The main objective of setting up boundaries like this is to make the entire cleaning task more manageable. You will be able to get a better experience with the help of it as well.

When you are cleaning different sections, you will be able to make sure that the cleaning products that you use are not dried.

Therefore, you will be able to get the most out of them. You will love the overall cleaning experience that this procedure can deliver to you as well.

In case if you have a bathtub, you should think about including it in one of the sections as well. That’s because you should be treating the bathtub as a separate entity.

Spray Cleaning Agent To The Individual Sections

How To Clean a Shower Glass

Now you have created sections in the shower wall. Hence, you need to think about cleaning section by section. This is where you should spray the cleaning agent one section at a time.

You will need to soak for a duration of around 5 to 10 minutes to get the best possible results at the end of the day.

The process of picking a cleaning agent will be quite overwhelming as well. That’s because you will notice that the market is saturated with different options.

You need to go through those different cleaning agents and pick the best one out of them to match the unique requirements that you have.

You will need to make sure that the cleaning agent has been designed to deliver perfect results to the material that is used for the construction of the shower.

You need to make sure that you are never using any cleaning agents that come along with acids such as ammonia and vinegar on the bathroom walls that are made out of marble. You should be extra mindful at the time of cleaning the marble shower walls.

This is why you are encouraged to look for the products that are recommended for marble. If you can stick to those cleaning agents, you will be able to get a hassle-free cleaning experience at the end of the day.

Instead of sticking to the commercially available cleaning agents, you can think about making your own cleaning agent as well.

You will be able to do that by purchasing one cup of vinegar. Then you should mix it along with ½ cup of baking soda and one cup of ammonia.

The entire mixture should then be poured into 5.5 liters of hot water. This will help you to create a perfect cleaning solution on your own.

This cleaning solution can be used to get all the cleaning activities done on your own and you will not have to rely on any other option that is available in the market.

Rinse The Showers With Clean Water

How To Clean a Shower Glass

After using the cleaning agent, you need to rinse the showers perfectly well with clean water. You can use the bucket or cup that you have to splash water. Then you will be able to get rid of the cleaning agent from the walls along with grime.

In case if you have a detachable showerhead, you need to think about using it to clean the shower’s wall. It will be able to deliver a better overall shower cleaning experience to you at the end of the day.

After you rinse the shower walls, you need to check and see if they still look dirty. Then you should follow the above-mentioned process all over again. Along with that, you will be able to get a better cleaning job done.

You will need to repeat the same process for the other sections that you have mentally marked as well. Once you complete all the sections, you are done with the cleaning job.

Why Shouldn’t You Use a Shower Squeegee?

How To Clean a Shower Glass

Now you must be wondering why it is not recommended for you to use a shower squeegee to clean the shower.

If you go ahead with this method, you will have to experience many drawbacks. You will need to get used to the shower squeegee technique.

If you don’t have a clear understanding of how to move forward with the technique, you will not be able to get the best possible results out of it. In such a situation, you will run into frustration.

In order to get the most out of a shower squeegee, you should learn how to use it like a professional. In fact, the method used by a professional to use a shower squeegee is called the fan or swivel method.

The horizontal and vertical strokes are not in a position to deliver the most efficient cleaning experience at the end of the day as well.

Clean a Shower Without Shower Squeegee:

You don’t always need to use a shower squeegee to get your shower cleaned. There are numerous better alternatives available to consider. In order to make life easy for you, we will let you know about a procedure that you can follow to get the shower cleaner without using a shower squeegee at all.

Unclog the drain

How To Clean a Shower Glass

As the very first thing, you will have to unclog your drain. This is where you should think about removing hair from the drain. In order to do that, you should take apart a wire hanger.

Or else, you can use a thin item, which you can use as a knitting hook. You should also get a plastic bag or a garbage can, which you can use to put all the hair.

You can simply unscrew the cap on your shower drain. The steps that you have to follow to get the job done would vary depending on the style of it. Then you will have to pull out hair and throw it away.

You will need to keep on pulling hair until your drain is fully cleared. This is the very first step that you should do when you are cleaning the shower without using a shower squeegee.

Use a drain cleaner

How To Clean a Shower Glass

A drain cleaner can then be used to clear the drain. This can help you to overcome all sorts of remaining clogs. The above method is effective, but it cannot deliver 100% positive results to you by overcoming the clog that you have in the drain.

You will be able to create your own drain cleaner. Therefore, you shouldn’t stick to commercially available products. In order to create your own drain cleaner, you simply need to add ¼ cup of ammonia to one liter of boiling water.

You will also be able to rinse the drain with the help of hot water. In order to do that, you can turn on the faucet. Along with that, you can clear the drain while using clean water.

In case if you notice that the drain is backing up again, you should repeat these steps and remove the clog that you have to deal with.

Final Words:

You don’t need to think about using a shower squeegee to clean your showers. There are some better methods which can help you to get the cleaning job done without using a shower squeegee.

I have described one such method. You can go through this method and receive the positive results that come along with it without having to worry about anything.

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