How to Blacken a Knife Blade

Blacken a knife is a very appropriate procedure for blades to protect them from corrosion. From an early age, this method is used to save knives from corrosion and resist scratches. As we know, the knives are made from iron, stainless steel, and high carbon oxides. These materials also react quickly with the water and humidity of the environment and general corrosion.

So by the addition of a thick layer method, knives are protected. This method is called blackened knives. However, we can know in this article how to blacken a knife blade. Let’s go know the details.

Knives are continuously used in domestic uses on a daily basis. There is no substitute for knives till now. Also, most people face rusting knife problems. Here you have two options: either you get help from experts or do the blackening of the knife blade by yourself. If you take help from the experts, it will cost you a few bucks

How to Blacken a Knife Blade?

But why is it from experts when you can do it by yourself? The process is quite simple and takes a few minutes with the right accessories. Here we will explain different steps one by one for different kinds of blades. Let’s start with High carbon and stainless steel blades.

Here are some techniques How to blacken the knife blade? Stay with us to get a clear idea.

Blackening of stainless steel and high carbon

Carbon and steel are at a higher risk of corrosion, and they get rusty without proper care and maintenance. So if you have stainless steel and a high-carbon knife, then you need to protect and maintain your knife correctly. You can blacken your knife with the help of black oxide vinegar and bee wax. Here we will look at all the procedures one by one.

Blackening of knives with Black Oxide:

If you do not want a costly method for blackening a knife, you need to use black oxide. Black oxide is an effective way to darken knives. The reason for the popularity of black oxide is it is eco-friendly and also safe to use.

Here also be careful about the material of knife plating. If your knife has Nickel, zinc, phosphate, or chromium material on the plate, then the black oxide process is not for these types of knives. Here for the process, you need the right accessories, and accessories required for this process include;

  • Black oxide


The first step of the process is removing any rusty particles on the surface of the knife with the help of any brush or scrubbing. You can do scrubbing income either by wire.

Dip the knife in the blackening solution

Now with a little care, at room temperature, dip the knife in the black oxide solution. Here make sure to away the handle of the knife away from the solution. Dip the knife in the solution for the next 4 to 5 minutes.

Dip the blade into a penetrating sealant

Now, dip the blade of the knife in the penetrating sealant and drop it for 5 to 10 minutes. Now remove the blade and remove all the excessive oil and leave it until it gets dry.

Apply lacquer

Now, for the glossy finish, you can apply lacquer. After applying the lacquer, you need to leave the knife for the next 30 minutes.

Blackening a Knife Using Vinegar

Blackening steel with vinegar is the process that comes from an early age. Even in the present era, this process has a minimum cost. Additionally, there all the things used in this process are available in every home. Apple citric vinegar is best for blackening the knife. For this purpose, things are required are.

  • Silver Polish
    Tongs for holding
    Apple citric vinegar
    Cotton Balls
    Acetone or Rubbing Alcohol

After collecting these things, follow specific steps for the process


Cleaning is a necessary process for blackening a knife. So you have to use alcohol or acetone for cleaning the knife and after that, wipe it up with a tissue or paper towel to make sure there is no residue remaining on the surface.

Dip knife into the vinegar

Take a container in which the knife can easily adjust. Put a good amount of vinegar into the container. The container and amount of vinegar are fares enough to dip the blade completely into the vinegar.

Boiling and scrubbing

Put the container on fire and let them boil the knife blade under the vinegar. Take a small piece of cotton and dip it into the boiled vinegar until the cotton absorbs the vinegar.

Rub the piece of cotton on the knife blade’s surface and repeat the method after and after. Blade turns into the black color slowly. This is a black coating on the knife blade. Keep in mind this is a slow process of blackening the knife blade.

Rinsing and drying

After a repeated rubbing process, the blade appears like a black coating. Rinse the blade with tap water and dry the knife blade with a paper towel. Please note that it is not a permanent process. If the knife blade seems to be in its original condition after some months or a year, then repeat the same steps and blacken your knife again.

Blacken a Knife Using Beeswax

The last method is to blacken a knife with beeswax. This process works with steel blades. So don’t try this method with other materials.


For cleaning, use isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol will evaporate quickly and will clean the blade thoroughly.

Heat up

Now, heat your knife blades while placing them into the oven at 204.4C. For a thinner blade, the heat-up process will take less time, and a thicker blade requires more time.

Make a solution

Now, mix the beeswax with linseed oil and make a mixture. The mixture you will prepare in a proper proportion. For instance, you will take two parts of bee wax and 1 part of linseed oil.

Apply the solution

Now, apply the solution to the blades thoroughly. In this process, you will handle the knife from the handle and apply a mixture to it.

Put the blade in the oven

Now, put the blade in the oven for about half an hour until the wax bur into metal. Now cool down the blade and wash it off. Just make sure now to wash the blade immediately after taking it out of the oven.


If you want to know how to blacken a knife blade, we describe three different ways to blacken a knife blade. You can choose any process that seems easy for you, or the accessories are easily available.

All materials used in each process are human and environmentally friendly. So you can protect your knife with any procedure and make your favorite knife live longer than usual.