Do your concrete walls stink because of your pet’s urine? Well, I’m here to talk about the urine remover for concrete. To be honest, those who own sweet pets tried to remove the urine smell and urine stains from the concrete walls, garage, and basement.
Some of us found great remedies, and some failed miserably. Replacing concrete is not something you’d do normally and urine gets soaked into concrete and leaves an unpleasant smell. Why choose a urine remover for concrete?
Well, a urine remover will have the right amount of ingredients to remove the urine and smell without damaging the concrete you’re working on. That’s why you should always buy a concrete urine remover without using several products that can damage your property.
In A Hurry Up? Best Urine Remover for Concrete
If you don’t have enough time to read through the whole article, I’ve summarized these short suggestions recommended ones among urine removed for concrete.
- Pet Stain &Odor Removerfor concrete 1Gallon
- Odorcide Original Concentrate Pet Odor
- OdorPet Home Cleaning Concentrate | Enzyme Carpet Cleaner
- SCOE 10X – Natural Probiotic Odor Eliminator Concentrate
- BioTurfBioS+ Artificial Turf Grass Concentrate Enzyme Cleaner
- Rescue One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer, Concentrate Bottle (1 Gallon)
However, In this article, I have researched, and I have provided you 6 effective urine removers for concrete, Let’s go
- known as one of the best enzyme pet urine cleaners.
- Can be used outdoors and indoors
- Breaks down every bit of ammonia.
- A formula that can also be used on concrete, rugs, wood, hardwood, and other areas and furniture
- The all-natural enzymatic formula makes it usable in the presence of kids and pets.
- Comes in two different and pleasant scents, which one called Light Lavender Scent and Spring Mint Scent.
- Comes in two different sizes that are 1 gallon and 33 FL OZ spray bottles.
Pet stain and odor miracles are some of the best enzyme cleaners for dog urine and every other kind of pet urine stains. product in the online marketplace. This urine removed is really effective and promising as well. This product is also known to remove every kind of odor from carpet, rugs, concrete, furniture, cars, and other places.
This product is completely safe from children and pets to cause the formula is natural. Another sweet thing about this product is that 10% of all the profits will be donated to animal rescue and no-kill animal shelters.
- Not harmful for pets and children,
- No harsh chemical smells,
- Includes natural enzymes,
- Has a warranty for returning if you don’t like the product
- Can be used in many places
- A small number of people didn’t like the smell.
- You can use this product on kennels and cages and get an amazing result
- Can be used on rugs, wood board, leather, and any kind of furniture.
- This is a non-toxic Pet urine concentrate that means this product is safe if comes in a contact with kids, user, and your lovely pets.
- The unique non-enzyme formula will work for you if an enzyme veterinarian
- Has a fresh fragrance for a long time to keep the fresh vibe going.
Odorcide Original Concentrate Pet Odor is another best cat urine remover you can find. This product promises to remove any kind of smell from the area you want. It isn’t for only one use, you can use this product on concrete, rugs, wood, leather.
You can mix this cleaner in your cleaning solution, and it is completely safe for kids and pets. This is not an enzyme formula, but this is effective. Animal shelters use this product on their daily cleaning basis. Also, veterinarians also prefer this product for their clinic.
- Approved by veterinarians,
- Can be used in cages, carpets, walls, and floors,
- Safe for children and pets.
- A fresh smell that is pleasant to sensitive noses.
- Can cause an allergic reaction to sensitive skin.
- This product is promising when it comes to eliminating stains, pet urine odor, and any kind of mess your pet makes.
- Can be used in any kind of concrete, rugs, furniture, walls, and fabrics.
- Comes in two different scents that are lavender and black cherry.
- Non-toxic bio enzyme formula which is completely safe for kids, users, and your lovely pets.
- A half-gallon of this concentrate can make nearly 2.5 gallons of working solution, which means one purchase will take you a long way if you don’t have a lot of pets.
OdorPet Home Cleaning Concentrate | Enzyme Carpet Cleaner is a promising product if you are looking for one. I have put the products on the list be because I have done enough research about the products. This pet urine remover is great for cleaning urine, removing pet stains, and urine residue from concrete and any type of place. You can use this bio enzyme cleaner can also remove the smell and stain of pet vomit and drools.
It is, of course, safe for kids and pets. Two types of scents are available for this product one is lavender, and another one is black cherry. This urine smell remover goes a long way cause it requires a small amount of usage every time.
- Natural bio enzymes,
- A little goes a long way,
- Harmless for kids and pets,
- Can be used anywhere rather than just concrete.
- Can be harsh to sensitive noses in rare cases.
- SCOE 10x – concentrate which is able to make 10 units that will make the product for instant use.
- Includes a spray bottle to mix the solution with water to make 3.2 Fl. Oz. Of solution for working.
- Can remove human, chicken, cow, pig and other, and other messes that spreads bad odor.
- Also, this product can eliminate the bad odor caused by puke and garbage.
- The fragrance-free formula for people who don’t like scents.
SCOE 10x – Natural Probiotic OdorElimination Concentrate- Starter Kit is another good product on this list. It’s more of a urine remover for concrete. It works well, but it doesn’t really affect old stains. If your pet pees and you use this product within 1 hour, it will work amazingly. On the old stains, it may take a few applications to get the results. Other than that, this is completely safe around people, kids, and pets.
- Comes with a sprayer,
- Removes urine from any kind of concrete and place,
- Safe to use around kids and pets.
- Hard to remove old stains,
- Takes a lot of usage in order to remove the old mess.
- One of the toughest pet dog and pet dog urine odor eliminators for outdoor and artificial grass.
- It is an enzyme concentrate with great penetrating technology that makes a high-quality turf odor and bacteria remover.
- BioTurfcomes with a spray that makes four bottles of 32 Oz spray solution which is enough to spray on 8000 (eight thousand) square feet of artificial turf.
- This product is an all-natural formula that is non-toxic for pets, kids, and the user.
BioTurfBioS+ Artificial Turf Grass Concentrate Enzyme Cleaner is one of the toughest and best enzymatic cleaners for dog urine or any pet urine cleaner. This is mostly used in outdoor places, but you can use this on concrete as well. This is a non toxic all-natural enzyme cleaner that is also really effective on feces and urine mess. Cause this is a nontoxic formula, the product is surely safe around kids and pets.
- Tough and aggressive on smells and sustain,
- Comes with a spray bottle,
- Nontoxic and safe for pets and children
- Too aggressive to use indoors.
- One of the best products for killing pathogens in a short time (around 60 seconds).
- The great formula includes a low amount of hydrogen peroxide to decrease the germs while cleaning.
- To kill a board of pathogens 5 minutes is enough for the product to do its work.
- Can be used in animal carts, automatic feeders, counters, grooming and, handling equipment, concrete, and other surfaces
Rescue One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer, Concentrate Bottle is another vet-friendly urine and urine smell remover from concrete and other places. I include this product in this list because this product is used in various animal shelters and lots of animal hospitals.
This cleaner can kill pathogens in 60 seconds and can prevent the breakout board of pathogens in 5 minutes. This product is none toxic and gentle on the user and animals.
- The safe formula for kids and pets,
- Can be used in concrete and other material,
- Has no fragrance,
- Used by vets
- Doesn’t have any kind of fragrance if you like scents.
Buying Guide for The Urine Remover for Concrete
Why should you purchase urine cleaner:
Even though you raise a puppy or train a puppy from the beginning, potty problems and other issues can be seen in adult dogs due to health conditions, anxiety, and not proper training. Sometimes it may happen without any reason.
Cats pee on places more often to mark their territory, and over time, the smell can get really bad and leave a stain on your property. Not only stains, but urine also contains bacteria which can be unhygienic and cause health problems to children. If you see an issue like this, you should treat it right away.
What to look for in a pet urine cleaner:
Some of the products are successful in keeping pets away from doing the same thing again in the place they used to pee or poop. I recommend you buy an enzymatic animal urine cleaner because enzymatic urine cleaner tends to be more effective than any other cleaner.
Enzyme cleaner should work for you, but if not, you can also use non-enzyme formulas. Cleaners are also amazing for removing vomits and other smelly things from a sick pet. Now, to clean urine and the smell of urine, you definitely buy a good quality urine remover.
In the above section, I have listed 6 very effective urine and urine smell removers so; you don’t have to spend a lot of time researching. I have used and talked to expertise before listing them on the list. Every product on the list has reviews from customers where you can learn about what other customers think about it.
Outdoor urine cleaners, and indoor urine cleaners:
You may be shocked but not all odor removers are meant to be used indoors and not all odor removers are strong enough to be used outdoors. Also, you should always go for a none toxic solution, you surely don’t want your pets to lick or your child to get into contact with any chemicals that can harm them.
Note: just because the product is label as non-toxic, but no cleaner should be consumed by any pet or human being.
The need fora UV light:
Before you buy the solution you want to use for removing stains and odor, you will need a UV light to detect the area you need to clean. You will be able to see the urine bacteria that you can’t see with naked eyes. This way you are increasing the chance to remove all the urine from your property, and your pet will not return to the spot for peeing.
After you have checked your area and got the product based on the situation, you should get an instruction manual in the package with the solution. Make sure to follow the instruction correctly to get the maximum result.
Is there any home remedy for removing urine smell?
There is indeed some method you can use to remove urine odor, but that won’t last a long time. A good urine stain and smell remover has the perfect mixture of every ingredient you need to work with.
Does hydrogen peroxide eliminate urine smell?
Yes. You should allow the solution to sit at least about 4-5 hours to break down the urine and stain. After that, you can wipe the area and the smell and stain should be gone.
Should I use steam on a urine stain to remove it?
No, do not do this. You are only going to seal the stain there, which is going to be hard to remove later.
Does pee smell go away on its own?
Yes, after a long time, the smell will fade away, but your cat or dog can still smell their territory and can continue peeing there.
How can I stop my pet from peeing in the wrong places?
To do that, you have to do very deep cleaning in the places your cat or dog pees. Cat dog or any animal will pee to the places they pee often by shifting their smell so, make sure that you kill the smell from the place by using any product on the above or of your choice to prevent your cat or dog from peeing there.
Normal odor remover vs enzymatic odor remover which is better?

Normal and cheap odor removers may kill the unpleasant smell for you, but your cat or dog will still be able to sniff that. Which can cause them to be tempted to pee there again and again?
On the other hand, enzymatic odor cleaners mean this enzyme can break down the bacteria within the urine that causes the smell. After you let the cleaner do its job, wipe that away and the smell and urine should be gone. Users say that enzymatic cleaners are more effective than any other cleanser.
Are the products any good for shelters?
Yes, the products I have mentioned on the list are animal shelter friendly. The products can also be used in different kinds of animal farms, and horse ranches.
An animal shelter rescues a good number of animals that include sick animals too. A sick animal can vomit around, pee or potty around the places caused by sickness, anxiety, and being new to an environment. It is necessary to keep the shelter clean in order to provide every animal a clean, and hygienic place to live. I have done enough research before making the list for you.
In this article, I have researched and gathered the 6 best urine removers for concrete or any places you would need to clean. Keeping your belongings clean from cat or dog urine or any kind of smelly things. Also, a good source of hygiene to keep you, your family, and your lovely pets healthy.
It is always the best idea to buy a good type of urine remover than making several types of vinegar mixture and failing miserably. I hope I could help you out on this topic. Thank you for reading the article. See you next time.